Surveillance & Security systems

Surveilance and Security systems


1. Surveillance systems


We design, install, program and provide service for surveillance systems consisting of analog or IP cameras, wired or wireless, cameras with Pixim technology, central recorder, data storage with compression, UPS backup sources, monitors. We make installations for family houses, administrative buildings, parking places, storerooms, stocks, offices, hotels.
The surveillance systems we install apart or in combination with electronic security systems or intelligent installations. Such integrated surveillance systems provide you with great possibilities of building security control.
For more info about security in the intelligent buildings click here.


2. Security systems



We install and provide service electronic security systems for family houses, administrative buildings, offices, hotels. The security systems we install apart or in combination with surveillance systems or intelligent installations. Such integrated security systems provide you with great possibilities of house security control.

For more info about security in the intelligent buildings click here.

We install systems of the following producers:





Example of electronic security system scheme



nurnberg 3

Nurnberg, Rathsbergstrasse - intelligent electro-installation

nurnberg 2

Nurnberg, Nordostpark - electro-installation

nurnberg 1

Rothenbach - intelligent electro-installation


Krems - intelligent electro-installation


wien 1

Wien, Lavantgasse - intelligent electro-installation

wien 2

Wien, Suengweg - intelligent electro-installation

zah bystrica

Bratislava, Zahorska Bystrica - surveillance system


Bratislava, Ticha - intelligent electro-installation


design  *  construction  *  installation  *  service  *  support